March/April 2015 Issue Cover Story Troon at 25—Twenty five years ago, Troon Chairman & CEO Dana Garmany saw a better way of managing golf courses: provide superior service, unparalleled agronomy ... a club member experience. In essence, he created the "upscale daily fee" experience, and set the bar for every golf course at which we tee it up today. Memory Lane: Looking Back at Troon's First 25 Years—Dana Garmany, Tom Weiskopf, and three of Troon's earliest employees - Ron Despain (VP, Golf Course Development), Jeff Spangler (SVP, Science & Agronomy) and Scott Heideman (General Manager) - share their memories of the early days. Show Stoppers: 2015 Merchandise Show's Top Products—It wasn't easy picking game- changing new products at the recent PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando. But our intrepid equipment guru, Scott Kramer, found eight that stood out at the annual golf industry extravaganza. The Loop: Improving Your Game, Body, And Mind—One of Troon's newest partners, EXOS, a sports training facility in Phoenix, Ariz., has been helping PGA Tour pros and professional athletes improve their games, bodies, and minds. They can help you too.